The Ultimate Cellar Management and Wine Reference Software ™

WineBase is an easy to use and flexible, yet powerful Cellar Management and Wine Reference program. It will allow you to manage your cellar with an ease that you wouldn't think possible and best of all WineBase is fun to use.

WineBase runs on Windows 98/XP/Vista/7/8 and 10.

It also runs very nicely on Apple Macs that are running any of these versions of Windows.

With the data from Australian Wine Vintages by Rob Geddes MW built into the program it is the definitive reference source for Australian wines. Also included are glossaries of viticultural, tasting and winemaking terms, winery address information, vintage charts, a basic French primer and other points of interest.

It has more data fields (most are optional) than you'll ever need and more ways of organizing, searching and displaying them than you'd think possible. Listing everything the program does would take far too much room but simply stated if another program does it then WineBase probably does as well, but does it better and more likely than not did it first.

To learn more about the program click here... WineBase online Help System

Latest developments...

Wine database updated with data from the 34th edition of Australian Wine Vintages by Robert Geddes MW.

The "Flying bottle" for "Lost Souls" creation is back!!!
Improved the formatting of the HTML output from the Index Listings.
This in now the default file format for printing, quick, simple and effective.
Added the ability to not include totals (Price, Value etc.) in this listing
CSV list from Index Listing will now remove commas from fields (Hint: You shouldn't be using commas within fields).
Internet wine search from Add/Edit wine dialog improved.
Fixed scrolling list of wines found in GoldBook window, pointer not scrolling.
Exported Stock and Location order now matches on screen listing.
Widened the left click contact patch for the Quick Drink function in Index Listings.
Disabled options Edit, Quick Drink and Delete in BestInFuture listings now grayed in popup floating menu.
Improved the startup reading of VARIETY.WBD and any possible error handling.
Improved the browser based Help file startup (crashing program on some systems).

What's different in v7.32 compared to earlier versions of WineBase

What's new and we'll start with what's been removed and this includes...

Cellar mapping, Vino:File import, Resource monitor, Printed rego form, Winery files and Maps, Lotus 123 import/export, Password login.

And Added, Updated or Fixed and it's rather extensive...

Maximum wines now 4000 (was 2000), Lost Souls warning now at 1000 Lost Souls or NextEmpty > 3900.
Doubled the size of NETWORTH.DTA (Value/Stock over time) so it won't run out of room, now called STOCKVAL.DTA.
Updated windows layouts, all now with title bar, menu, moveable, resizable, trackable etc.
Re-ordered the Index Listings to better show the things you need to see, Price/Value moved left.

Plus longer Location field to show more info if using multiple location data (to make up for Cellar Mapping going).
Seamless index listing printing via external word processor, allows full formatting and customisation.
The mouse wheel works!!! and not only in the Index Listing but for all scrollable windows.
Cosmetic changes to Page Display Window, also better Wine Label display, lockouts on buttons, better text editor window (WordPad).

New web listing and web publishing routines to create nice looking web pages and using CSS so you easily further customise.
Internet search from Main Edit Dialog to for pricing, availabilty, ratings and reviews.
Internet search from Main Edit Dialog to find Winery address details if wine not found in inbuilt database.
Replaced Lotus 123 spreadsheet import/export with much better and universal .CSV format.

New one button click direct to USB drive (Stick or HDD) backup for the programs data files.
New simpler one screen Preferences and program settings dialog.
Uniform StatusLine help for all screens and increased the text size, improved text placement.
Fixed the layout in the "Lurk" dialog (click on a bar) for the Vintage and BestAt graphs and added Location.

Text search gets it's own WineBar button.
Decided on a final set of cursors for the Index listings, menu, taste and drink + hint text.
Barcode scanner reading from the main window, just scan and the wine is listed.
New sorting options added, Price and Value.

Added the option of not including your name in the Web Publishing from an Index Listing.
Increased the speed of the USB backup and added a progress display, error checking, checks as far as Drive T:.
Fixed the Cancel buttion in the List all wines at their best for the next 25 years, as it didn't.
Fixed the Page Display tracking when the main window is moved (and isn't it nice to be able to move windows around).

Fixed the columns in the BestAt and Vintage graphs Lurk dialog.
Added headings and totals for print files.
Added a comma for total cost and values over $999.99 in the Health Report.
Fixed the issues with the BestAt for the next 25 years print file, garbled text.

Fixed the issues with the BestAt for the next 25 years print file, heading text and also added totals.
Fixed display issues, clipped or missing text with some zoom factors for main Index listing.
Fixed a glitch with headings when using padded output format.

Click here... New Help system - Migrating my existing WineBase data

And it all looks beautiful running on Windows 7.

Click on the small images below to see a larger one with some descriptive text
Opening Screen
Index Listing
Page Display
Tasting Notes

Wine Reference
Health Report
Buying / Consumption

Ageing Graph
BestAt Graph
Maturity Grid

Stock & Value - Monthly
Stock & Value - Yearly
Distribution by Variety
Distribution by Region